Unexpected blessings

Detroit, Michigan – This trip is going to be one of my longest – shortest trips to the land of retail shopping: all of five days and by the time you read this I would already be fixing to fly back! I however am not here just to shop but to appreciate blessings that have come unexpectedly.

If anyone told me a few months ago that I would be planting my feet on US soil after a 30-year absence, I would have said that the chances of that happening are only 2: slim and none. To begin with I lived in the US for nearly two years. By affinity, commerce and communications Filipinos have access to many of the stuff Americans live with back in the Philippines so no need to fly all the way just to shop. Last and all-important, whenever our savings allow it, our preferred destinations is primarily the Netherlands so that my wife can visit her very small remaining family there.

So how did I end up on this side of the border? I believe it is one of those great examples where God shows us that he is not tied to cash based economy or system when blessing people. Whenever I share the practice of tithing or giving 10% of our earnings or profits, people always have difficulty embracing the principle and challenge of God. In fact I remember that when I use to visit “Erap” a.k.a Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada when he was still confined to quarters in Tanay, Rizal, we took up the lesson on tithing in our weekly bible studies.

Erap earnestly asked if he had 100 thousand, 1 million, or 10 million, does it mean he had to give exactly 10% to God or the church? When I confirmed that 10% was what God meant, Erap expressed sadness and difficulty with the lesson. To ease his burden I suggested I pray for him something he always welcomed. So I prayed saying: “Dear Lord thank you for leading President Erap to earnestly understand and humbly consider your instructions on tithing. I know Lord that this is a difficult lesson for him, so to relieve him of this difficulty Lord, could you momentarily stop blessing Erap until he learns the lesson well.”

Erap jumped away from me and hollered: “Pare! Wala namang ganyanan!” (Don’t do a thing like that). We all know of course that even during his incarceration, Erap showed his generosity and concern for others by sending truck loads of food to typhoon and flood hit areas during his four years in detention.

So what’s the connection for me here? Like I said, God does not operate on a “Strictly Cash” basis. People think that because they gave cash they will receive cash in return and fail to realize or see that God is blessing us in other forms. Call it coincidence but when my friends from Covenant Cars Company – Chevrolet Philippines: Atty. Albert Arcilla and Lynn Buena were organizing a fun trip to the US, part of the agenda was to attend the WOODWARD DREAMCRUISE which involves a whole weekend walk in midst of classic cars here in the cradle of Automotive history.

Then someone from the US side chimed in suggesting that old cars would sound even more irresistible with a visit to the Motown museum for people old enough to appreciate the original soul music of Diana Ross & the Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, The Temptation, Grand Funk, etc. While in Detroit the group could also say hello to their counterparts in Chevrolet America and take a peek at the new Chevrolet Trax a compact SUV that will arrive in Manila later in the year. Albert and Lynn could only think of one “Old Soul” who loves vintage cars, long drives and soul music: Kuya Cito!

The only hitch was that I was the only Journalist they knew who at the time had not renewed his US Visa for 30 years. Suffice it to say that “when God sends a blessing it comes with no difficulty” so I reapplied for a US Visa, which I was graciously granted in Manila. Besides which Lynn, Karen my wife and our daughter Hannah were all ganging up on me. I later discovered that the girls simply needed me to go so I can be their glorified courier for their trinkets bought on line!

Yes, the “green buck” need not fall like Manna from heaven because the Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.

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I don’t know if I’m still jet-lagged or just excited like a kid on Christmas Eve, but I have been up since 3 in the morning, five hours before our departure time for the annual Woodward dream Cruise. Yesterday we did several drive-bys at the site and by 3 pm it was TGIF or Thank God It’s Friday for the locals as they started pitching tents along Woodward Avenue, lining up what is promised to be several hundred if not thousand muscle and vintage cars from all over the United States. Sun chairs, coolers, barbeque grills, flags and people taking in the afternoon sun watching early bird drivers show off their Corvettes, Camaros, Rat Rods, Impalas, Chevy Novas and even a few “Hogs” or Harley Davidsons.

Having been in Detroit for three days now, I’ve run into people from different states and even different nationalities at the Marriott hotel. I’ve come to realize that this annual event is Detroit’s version of our Ati Atihans, Sinulog, and similar fiestas that have become tourist attractions and trademarks in themselves. It is an economy unto itself worth copying.

In Asia or ASEAN, it would be safe to say that the Philippines has the oldest car culture particularly when it comes to American cars. We have so many car clubs representing Muscle cars, Vintage or Classic cars, we even have sub groupings as well as European and Japanese car clubs. So far the only annual events that brings attention to our car culture and love of cars are the annual Manila International Auto Show, the Manila Transport show and the CAMPI Auto show. MIAS is well-balanced mix of commercial and classic car displays, while the Transport Show is the local equivalent of a “Tuners show” focusing on the possibilities, suppliers and exhibits for after market improvement on cars.

If the Department of Tourism could only open their eyes to developing car shows like they do at Pebble Beach, Woodward Dream Cruise, or if media such as Top Gear can host their own “Hot Rod Cruise”, these events can revive or boosts business for many hotels, malls, restaurants, tuner shops, car dealerships. Given that we can no longer drive our cars around Metro Manila we might as well park some of the rarer and special ones for the public to enjoy!

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E-mail: utalk2ctalk@gmail.com


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