The blood of the 44 fallen SAF is in their hands

It’s been nine days since that Day of Infamy happened in Mamasapano, Maguindanao where 44 Special Action Force (SAF) were uselessly massacred in a corn field by Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) terrorists, and despite the anger of the whole nation nothing has been done to bring justice to the 44 fallen SAF soldiers. In past administrations, the Commander-in-Chief would order hot pursuit operations in order to capture the perpetrators of this dastardly crime. Why is this not happening in this case?

The latest news report on this case came from Interior and Local Government (DILG) Sec. Manuel Roxas who revealed that the President gave orders to Justice Secretary Leila De Lima to prepare or study criminal charges against those responsible for the carnage. Specifically mentioned by the President are the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its breakaway faction, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). Now, should we say that this is “tough talk” coming from P-Noy? It sounds like. But first, let’s look at this closely.

Now, how long do you think will the DOJ conduct this study? It can be anywhere from a month upwards to six months. If you ask me… this is but a mere delaying tactic by the Aquino regime… who is hoping that by that time, the anger of the Filipino people would already dissipated and those coup rumors would disappear so things can be back to normal in Malacañang.

In fact, a day after the necrological ceremonies for the 44 fallen SAF, the major TV networks no longer gave any big breaking TV news coverage as the bodies of the SAF soldiers were brought to their respective homes in the provinces. Clearly there was an organized effort to get the TV networks to focus away from the grieving families, as it would only make the people angrier with the people who allowed the ill-fated Oplan Wolverine to fail.

If indeed the MILF is the target of this investigation, the least that the Aquino regime should have done was demand from MILF Chairman Al Hadj Murad to surrender the perpetrators of this crime within 24 hours after the President made his speech last Wednesday. But even that the President couldn’t do. So why is P-Noy still taking a very “soft” stand against the MILF who killed our soldiers? We should shout for justice in a loud voice!

A friend of mine who is a loyal follower of Aquino’s Yellow machinery was scratching his head… why wasn’t there any military offensive against the MILF, after all, the rules of the game have been changed by the MILF in this dastardly massacre. I also got a record number of text messages and emails from our angry readers demanding justice for the fallen soldiers.

These angry Filipinos strongly believe that the MILF Chairman has command responsibility over his men. These terrorists did not only massacre the 44 SAF soldiers, but if you saw that MILF video from a cellphone, off-loaded in YouTube and you can see that the killers were laughing and talking, while desecrating the dead bodies of our SAF soldiers, whose clothes have been removed. The MILF soldiers used bolos to strike the dead on the stomach. I was in tears watching this happen to our soldiers… and let me say it here that P-Noy too has his hands bloodied in this dastardly incident.

Meanwhile, well-meaning citizens from all over the country are finding ways to get funds for the families of the 44 fallen SAF members. The Philippine STAR’s fund drive by now should already reach P1 million. But wait! I thought that there was that reward money for the wanted Malaysian terrorist, Zulkifli bin Hir, a.k.a. “Marwan” supposedly by the US Government?

Come now Mr. President, how much really is the reward money in dollars? Some reports say its $5 million, while there’s a report that said it was $7 million. Where’s the transparency here? These are difficult times, where transparency is required and never taken for granted. Perhaps now is the time for the US embassy to come out with the real figure or the price on Marwan’s head. Let’s hear it from US Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg.

Why are we asking about this reward money? Rumors have been spreading like wildfire that this was the actual objective for the SAF mission and the reason for its secrecy. Was this the reason that the person that the President chose to lead this ill-fated mission was the suspended former Philippine National Police Chief Alan Purisima? So many questions that an angry nation is demanding for answers… and there is no doubt that the Aquino regime is just biding for time… until the anger of the people is gone.

If indeed Marwan can be validated as the dead man inside his hut… and if the Americans would be kind enough to confirm that there really is a reward money, whatever is the total figure…then allow me to suggest that this money in dollars should be given to the families of the slain 44 SAF soldiers. This is why we must know the real score about that reward money. The next few days will be crucial for the Aquino regime because the people’s anger has not dissipated. It might even grow worse for P-Noy. Abangan!

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