Cars, cars and more cars!

In spite of monstrous traffic jams, flooded streets and fluctuating fuel prices, nothing will douse the passion of the Filipino car culture, even car manufacturers are gung ho about stirring up more interest in their latest offerings. Why exactly would a sane person be interested in buying a new car given the reality that we can hardly “drive” about in Metro Manila?

I recently put that question before me and realized that buying a brand new car under existing driving conditions makes perfect sense. Imagine yourself on the daily commute where you’ll spend an hour to three hours in traffic. Let’s say it’s bad weather, rain and all and some parts getting flooded. Given this scenario, what’s your first concern: fuel economy? Creature comfort? No stress driving? Assurance that you will make it home on your own “steam”? For most of us it is all of the above and that is why people are buying in cash or taking out loans to get a new car.

My wife has never had a bad thing to say about her good old reliable 15-year old car. It’s zippy, fuel efficient, and gets her to all the places she wants to be. Last Saturday however she had extreme difficulty shifting gears and had to drive about six kilometers in second gear under the influence of prayer and supplication. The only thing she wanted was to make it home and she did without the intervention of the MMDA or the assistance of the AAP. However, that recent experience and the realization that her car is older than our daughter has placed the idea of buying a new car a few notches up the priority list.

Until recently I would not consider the idea of buying “new” much less writing about it, but there really are many reasons why people do buy and why the association of Car Manufacturers of the Philippines also known as CAMPI reportedly sold over 220,000 brand new cars in 2013 and are gunning to beat that record in 2014.

It is a good time to buy cars because prices are relatively lower than past decades, cars by comparison are not far apart in terms of features, functions and quality within the same class and to top it all, banks are more realistic and flexible with regards to their loan packages.

The vehicles now being offered in the market are attractive because they are almost the same products sold in other countries. There was a time when manufacturers sold only the “base model” or cars stripped of standard features. In spite of high prices or even limited buyers, “Can afford” Filipinos are now being given the chance to buy new model Ferraris, Jaguars, Lamborghinis, Maserati’s and Chryslers. Last week I had a chance to view the latest model of the Mercedes Benz C-class as well as Isuzu’s new SUV model called the MU-X. Cleary we are not being snubbed and are being recognized as a market.

While not all of us can afford the luxury brands many of us have enough reason to buy a new car. I for one would want to have some creature comfort if I have to be stuck in traffic for hours. Whether it’s a surround sound car stereo, aromatic climate features that the Mercedes Benz C class has, or all the leg room or working and walking space you can get inside the Foton Traveller or mini theater set-up inside the new Kia Carnival. On the other hand, other people are afraid of running out of fuel so they go for the the fuel economy of a Mitsubishi Mirage that you can drive in and out of small spaces or the fully loaded Chevy diesel powered-Trailblazer which is great on mileage and is considered by many of my friends to be the best buy in the full-size SUV range. The great thing about choice and competition is that Isuzu reportedly is coming out to challenge the market with their new product with an even lower price. This of course remains to be seen.

If you ask my friends who are motoring Journalists: what would be the best buy or what to look for in a car? half of them can give you the wisdom of the ages while the other half can give you all the technical gibberish that you would have no appreciation for. But here’s some insight for those who are seriously thinking of buying a new vehicle. First, what you buy will be decided by what you can afford or what you are willing to pay for in cash or in terms. Most people either have a fixed budget or a lot of patience. Your budget we can’t do anything about, but your patience; as in ability to save or pay off a loan will give you a far wider set of choices. Save up, pay installment but never buy less than you want or need or you will be unhappy.

Second, every brand out there is known for something. I now tell my friends: “the best product review on any vehicle is one that is written after a few years.” Mitsubishi, Toyota, and Isuzu all share good reputations for commercial vehicles and AUVs. The first two also have a racing and sports car history. Mercedes Benz and Jaguar is the established brand for business executives and the Tsinoy community and given their business sense that endorsement says a lot. Traditional brands like Chevrolet, Ford and Volvo will always have a loyal following as “Family brands” for their reliability, comfort and safety. The best way to know is to ask people who already own and continue to buy particular brands.

If you want to actually see more and learn more you can go to the Philippine International Motors Show this weekend at the World Trade Center – September 18-21 where the participants will be launching several new models, and where you might be able to do on the spot price comparisons and maybe arrange for a test-drive later. Have fun!

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