MH17: Unity amidst tragedy

The downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 on 18 July shocked the world. The death of 298 innocent passengers and crew has seen a global outpouring of grief and outrage.

Tragically, the downing of MH17 claimed three Filipinos and 38 people who called Australia home. Australia and the Philippines are united in grief, and I extend my personal condolences to the families and friends of all victims of MH17.

Australia will observe a National Day of Mourning on Thursday 7 August to honour the victims of MH17.

The MH17 incident has galvanised the international community into action. Australia, supported by the Philippines and others, moved swiftly to bring a resolution to the United Nations Security Council to demand unimpeded access to the crash site, so that the remains of all victims could be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. The resolution also called for a full, thorough and independent international investigation. Resolution 2166 passed unanimously on 21 July, beginning the process of achieving justice and closure for the victims and their families.

A Dutch-led, unarmed multinational police mission is now seeking to recover the remains of the victims of MH17. Working with their Dutch counterparts, Australian personnel are searching the crash site. Malaysian police have also joined this mission, underlining the international nature of the response.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has appointed Air Chief Marshal (retired) Angus Houston as his Special Envoy to coordinate the Australian Government’s efforts. Over 500 Australian personnel in Ukraine and the Netherlands are assisting with the response. These include consular officials, air safety investigators, disaster victim identification experts and forensic experts. Australian Defence Force aircraft are helping to return victims’ remains from Ukraine to the Netherlands.

Consistent with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166, it is vital that this mission continues to have unimpeded access to the crash site so that further remains can be recovered and a thorough investigation can proceed.

I am proud that Australia and other countries affected by this heinous crime can pull together in the face of adversity. For Australia and the Philippines, this has been evident in natural disasters such as bushfires or floods, and man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks on innocent civilians.

Our response to MH17 also reminds me of how Australia and the Philippines continue to work together in the fields of defence, policing, transport safety and disaster management. Many of the Australian agencies on the ground in Ukraine are also represented here in the Philippines and are collaborating with Filipino counterparts to strengthen our bilateral efforts, while also securing peace and prosperity in the region. These agencies will continue to cooperate with the Philippine government to ensure that our joint priorities meet the goals of reducing poverty, supporting economic growth and supporting institutions that will enable the Philippines to grow economically and strategically.

Finally I express my thanks to all my friends and colleagues in Manila who have passed on their heartfelt wishes following the MH17 tragedy. I also thank all those who took up the recent offer to sign a Condolence Book for the victims at the Australian Embassy. Our thoughts and prayers remain with all of those affected by this tragic event.

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(Bill Tweddell is the Ambassador of Australia.)


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