EDITORIAL - Urgent action

In recent days Energy Secretary Jericho Petilla has been warning about rotating blackouts of two to three hours daily when – not if – the country suffers from another power crisis in the summer of 2015.

Petilla is issuing the warning as he seeks emergency powers for President Aquino so the government can prevent or ease the energy crisis or at least make a timely response in case it hits.

If Petilla thinks his warning calls for an emergency response, he or other administration officials must specify to Congress ASAP exactly what powers are being sought for President Aquino, and how long these would be wielded. Because of the country’s recent history, “emergency powers” have taken on an unsavory connotation. Even President Aquino, the only son of two democracy icons, has not been spared from speculation that the emergency powers being proposed are not meant chiefly to prevent blackouts.

Trust me, the President has told his “bosses” the people. But with the unofficial campaign for the 2016 general elections expected to start next year, some quarters are coming up with ugly scenarios related to blackouts and emergency powers.

The government can dispel these fears by clearly explaining the problem to Congress and the people and specifying possible responses. The government can then specify the emergency powers needed by the President for an effective response, and what could happen if the powers are not granted. Lawmakers themselves have asked for specifics. If Petilla’s warnings are accurate, this matter must be treated with urgency so that the response will be effective.

President Aquino knows his exercise of such powers, even for a limited period, will be subjected to minute scrutiny by people looking for indications of abuse of power. Transparency mechanisms can be built in so that any exercise of emergency powers can withstand public scrutiny. If the explanation for the request turns out to be satisfactory, congressional action is needed ASAP. This is if lawmakers don’t want administration officials to say, if the rotating blackouts hit the country next summer, “We told you so.”


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