Teachers' honoraria

Someone said: “Let us not begrudge those who made good in the last elections.” In other words let's not allow the crabs to have their way?


It says here that the honoraria for teachers on poll duty have been released. Next time, put the honoraria in the teachers' hands, not in the press release. As I write this (Monday, May 19/13), some teachers haven't received the honoraria yet.


A woman supporter of Tom O called up a radio station to join the discussion on the result of the May 13 elections. She sounded angry that Tom O lost. She said: “Gitikasan maong napilde.” Wrong. The right way to say it should've been: “Wa mapilde gitikasan lang.”


I don't want to interfere with some defeated candidates' thinking but maybe this message from Robert E. Lee could change their thinking: “We have fought this fight as long and as well as we know. We have been defeated. For us, as Christian people, there is now but one course to pursue. We must accept the situation.”


Robert E. Lee was the General in Chief of the Confederate armies in the US Civil war. Lee was idolized by all Armies that fought in the Civil War and was later declared a hero by all despite his setbacks in that war.


Some senatorial aspirants I had hoped would win because I know they got what it takes to be a member of the Senate failed to make it: Dick Gordon, Jun Magsaysay, Migz Zubiri, Risa Hontiveros and Bro. Eddie Villanueva.


I asked many friends, mostly through the Internet, to vote for Bro. Eddie Villanueva (never mind his religious belief) but they all said: “Maayo man si Bro. Eddie pero di man na kadaug.”


If that's the attitude of voters toward worthy candidates - because they feel they cannot win - kanus-a man intawon makadaug ang maayong kandidato?


OVERHEARD. The wife of a fighting cocks caretaker in Labangon was seen shopping for her children's school supplies. A friend she met commented on her shopping: “Daghana gud anang gipangompra mong school supplies, Mare.” Reply: “Nakakuwarta man gud si Pare nimo adtong eleksyon. Upat  gud ka kandidato iyang gikampanyahan.”

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