It’s not the economy, sweetheart

Now, it can be told. The main reason why President Barack Obama was reelected was not the economy. If it were the principal criterion, Mitt Romney would have been the most likely choice because the US economy is in bad shape and the Republican candidate has more experience in business and finance. The USA has a huge indebtedness in quadrillion dollars and China, which Romney, by the way, called the world’s worst currency manipulator, is one of the top creditors of the USA. Unemployment in America is currently one of the highest in the world, and also among the highest in American history. And this problem could have been better solved by an experienced multi-billionaire with an impeccable track record in job creation.

It was not the economy. It was all a question of trust and trustworthiness. President Obama exudes a strong aura of sincerity and honesty. His messages were very straightforward. And he has walked his talk. He has been consistent in his policies and programs, sticking to his core principles even under very strong opposition and under very heavy pressures. He made very difficult decisions and took bold moves that alienated his closest friends. He ordered the killing of Osama bin Ladin and removed the living icon of global terrorism.

He ended the US armed intervention in Iraq and is on his way to do the same in Afghanistan. He proved himself as leader in the height of Hurricane Sandy, a few days from elections, earning for him a virtual endorsement by New Jersey’s Republican Governor.

President Obama’s personal life and struggles is a living illustration that any one, no matter what his race is, or from where he comes, no matter what the color of his skin is, can make it in America, if he has the will and the perseverance. This inspires the immigrants, the minorities including African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. He is very young at 51 compared to Romney’s 65 years of age. As such, the President attracts the young voters, who constitute the biggest bulk of the US voting populace. And Obama’s advocacies enjoy the strong support of women voters who have bigger number than the male voters. Obama also got the veterans, the immigrants and the senior citizens. It was not the economy.

The labor sector supported Obama all the way. Not because of the economy but due to his proven pro-labor decisions, policies and actions. He bailed out the auto industry and saved the jobs of the auto workers. That endeared him to the trade unions. He is very compassionate even to the illegal immigrants and save them from being separated from their minor children. Obama’s medical care has helped the poor and the jobless. His environment policies are so green and so practicable but they do create major impact on the lives of people as they live under the spectre of global warming. His pro-choice policies have endeared him to the women voters.

In world politics and global foreign relations, Obama is well-loved and admired in Europe, Africa and Asia, except perhaps in the Arab world where he is not loved but accorded some grudging respect. He made friends with many Heads of States and Heads of Governments all over the world. Within a few minutes from his moment of victory, congratulatory messages poured in from all over, including China and Russia. President Benigno Aquino III sent his greetings from Laos, where he is attending the ASEM Annual Conference. It is not the economy, sweetheart. It is the leadership that is exuded by President Obama’s personality and his performance both domestically and globally.

The economy, of course, is important. But Obama could not be blamed for the economic woes that were there when he took over the White House from George Bush. Even if he was not able to turn the economy around, the fact is that many of his draconian measures were denied legislative support by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. The people know that and they are not stupid. They thus gave the President four more years to fix the economy aersnd forge a “modus-vivendi’’ with the Republicans representatives. And so, it was not the economy that decided the results of the US polls. It was a matter of who between the two contenders could inspire trust among the people.

In the Philippines, the economy is also a major issue. But Filipino voters decide mainly based on many other matters, some of which are trivial and inconsequential. In Cebu, it is not the economy, at all. It is essentially a war of money, organization, influence, personality, and strategy. It s not the economy. You and I do know what it is.

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