LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Candles to stop demolition

The Cebu Solidarity with the Urban Poor would like to make a clarification on the headline “Candles for Peaceful Demolition” published in The Freeman Opinion page last Sept 18, 2012.

We would like to make clear that the solidarity lit candles in Barangay Luz, Cebu City to STOP THE DEMOLITION, and not for a “peaceful” demolition.

There cannot be a “peaceful demolition” against the homeless and marginalized families who have nowhere else to stay when the only homes they have will be destroyed.

There cannot be a “human demolition” since depriving families – the elderly, women and children of their right of abode can only be described as “inhuman and violent.”

We continue to pray that all of us in the community will cooperate to fulfill God’s plan for all of His people to have “quiet resting places” and for His Kingdom of justice and love to finally reign on earth.

Fr. Vicente Dayao Spokesperson Cebu Solidarity with the Urban Poor

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