EDITORIAL - Trip to Jerusalem

By most indications, the deal to procure Israeli-made assault rifles for the police has been scuttled with the resignation of Rico Puno as undersecretary for peace and order of the Department of the Interior and Local Government. But questions linger about the propriety of Puno’s trip to Jerusalem, during which he was supposedly accompanied by the local dealer of the assault rifles, who ended up winning the contract.

Facing a Senate inquiry headed by Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago the other day, Puno said the trip to Israel was a vacation he and his family took together with his consultant, Ramiro Lopez III, from May 11 to 18. While in Israel, Puno said he chanced upon a certain General Santiago – presumably the retired chief of the police Special Action Force, Leocadio Santiago – who took him to a test-fire of Israeli assault rifles. There was no confirmation of previous reports that Reynaldo Espineli, local agent of Israel Military Industries, joined Puno in the trip.

Puno is not the first government official to find himself in hot water over a trip abroad. Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was often criticized for her travel bug and expensive meals in New York and Washington. Former officials of the Presidential Commission on Good Government were lambasted for their numerous overseas junkets at taxpayers’ expense. And several retired top officials of the Philippine National Police are facing charges for large amounts of euros found in their possession when they traveled to Russia with their wives for a conference.

Since Malacañang has repeatedly said Puno continues to enjoy the trust and confidence of President Aquino, it’s doubtful at this time that any charges will be filed in connection with the trip to Jerusalem. But the controversy it has generated should prompt the government to lay down clear guidelines on public servants’ overseas trips – the purpose, the source of funding.

Several rules are already specified under existing laws on corruption and the conduct of public servants. The administration just has to remind government officials that the laws are there and will be strictly enforced, on friend and political foe alike.

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