EDITORIAL - 45 years of ASEAN

The 45th year of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will be remembered for the first-ever failure of the regional grouping to come up with a communiqué at the end of its ministerial meeting in the host country Cambodia. No regional grouping is free of disagreements, and there have been violent incidents between certain ASEAN member states. But for the most part, ASEAN has shown solidarity as the grouping, which originally started with five members including the Philippines, grew to its current membership of 10 and engaged other countries as dialogue partners and observers.

In Phnom Penh last month, however, Cambodia blocked the passage of a regional communiqué on a code of conduct in the South China Sea, arguing that territorial disputes should be discussed bilaterally. This is the long-held position of China, and Manila voiced suspicions that Phnom Penh bowed to pressure from Beijing. Foreign Affairs Under-secretary Erlinda Basilio, who attended the deliberations in Phnom Penh, released an article detailing what happened. In response to the published article, Cambodian Ambassador Hos Sereythonh sent a letter to The STAR, accusing Manila of “dirty politics.”

At the reception hosted yesterday by the Department of Foreign Affairs to celebrate the 45th anniversary of ASEAN, the Cambodian envoy was conspicuously missing. Hos Sereythonh has also not responded to a summons by the DFA since July 30, when his letter was published.

Last Monday, the DFA was officially informed by Cambodia that it was recalling its ambassador. Phnom Penh also proposed a replacement and asked Manila to facilitate agrément. The DFA welcomed the development as an indication of improving bilateral ties with Cambodia, the current holder of the revolving ASEAN chair.

The positive trend should continue. Manila should also explore areas where ties with Beijing can improve even as the two countries pursue territorial claims. Southeast Asia is a dynamic region and it has prospered in an environment of peace, friendship and cooperation. Every effort must be made to maintain that environment.

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