How time heals all wounds, for some

Three Japanese naval training vessels are visiting the country starting today. They will be met by one of our naval ships off the waters of Corregidor Island. Seventy years ago, the Japanese came under much different and sinister purposes – the occupation of the Philippines to create a single Asian region under the control of Japan. That was World War II. So it is just ironic, and symbolic, that the two navies meet where both Filipino and American troops made a gallant stand on the island of Corregidor, against the Imperial Japanese Forces! I am certain that any living witness to the cruelty of the Imperial Japanese soldier to the Filipinos, both military and civilian, would cringe at the sight of these vessels entering the country once again!

But time does heal all wounds, and Japan has become one of the country’s primary trading partner, and ally in the region! Our relation with the Land of the Rising Sun has never been better, with mutual respect and understanding. We now use a lot of Japanese products in our daily lives, something unthinkable a few years after the great war. Quality products that help in our activities of daily living. Our roads alone are filled with Japanese vehicles, from utility trucks to passenger cars.

And now, Japan, by means of a loan, will supply the country with ten 40-foot patrol vessels, along with a couple of larger ships to bolster the Philippines’ maritime and territorial capabilities. We all know why we need those vessels more than ever. According to a Japanese editorial, Japan cannot stand and watch China’s ongoing military build-up in the South China Sea. There are currently close to a hundred Chinese vessels within the Scarborough Shoal area, while we pitifully have a handful. We can only stand and watch while they fish and survey the area we also claim, with impunity. Which is why a strong maritime force ready to face that of the Chinese is essential in creating stability in the region. Stability is not a hundred ships to one. Stability is not one country bullying another into dropping its rightful and legal claim to a territory. Something China does not care to recognize. Seven decades after World War II, Japan is now helping us militarily. Who would have thought! It is good to have friends, isn’t it?

But realistically, ten patrol vessels plus two ships, along with the recently turned over second Hamilton-class coast guard cutter, is still no match against the Chinese. According to a Philippine naval officer, the country will need to spend at least P500 billion in naval military vessels and hardware, in order to even approximate our northern neighbor’s might! In case you didn’t know how many zeroes are there in one billion, it is nine! Then add the number 500 before that to get an idea as to how much we should spend! I guess that’s a reality check right there! A reality check for a dream!

At least we know that we have friends in the region. Once enemies, time and understanding have forged a friendship that has proven strong over the years. A friendship that remains, even in the face of adversity. Great adversity.

I guess time has not healed all wounds.

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