Editorial - Love comes too late

Two days before Valentine’s Day, singer-actress Whitney Houston, many of whose hit songs inspired some of the greatest everyday real life love stories, died alone in her hotel room, a person broken by success, and the failure to come to grips with it. She was just 48.

As news of her death broke, the social networks were swamped with all sorts of messages, but most of them expressing regrets over her passing, as well as love, love that came too late and no longer made a difference.

Whitney Houston desperately needed love and understanding while she battled her demons. But none came when she needed it the most. Now that she is dead, the sympathies and the love are swamping the empty space she left behind, when it no longer matters.

The tragedy of her life is a tragedy that is often reflected in the everyday lives of everyday people. Many of us are lonely, but either we do not know it, or are too proud to admit it. And those around us could not care less, perhaps battling with their own loneliness.

All of us do need a little warmth and affection, not only for ourselves but to share with those we love. Yet, as in the case of Whitney, people hold back until it is too late. Then the outpouring surges, when it is no longer appreciated.

Maybe, just as Whitney inspired the blossoming of many love stories with her songs while she was still alive, her death should inspire the realization that people do need a little loving when they are still around to truly feel it.

To be alive is only truly exhilarating when you have someone to share love with. So send a little message of love today to someone living, in whatever form it may take. A hi, hello, a text, a hug, a kiss, a date — whatever — just do it.

For Whitney to die alone and unloved was made more tragic by the outpouring of love only after her death. But if people can see the tragedy of her death and do something with their own lives by resolving to show love to the living, maybe that will be Whitney’s fitting final song.

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