Of course

He got what he wanted. He stated that he would rather die fighting than surrender. After almost eight months since the Arab Spring flowed from Egypt into Libya, the country has rid itself of a dictator that ruled for more than four decades. Of course, with a lot of help from NATO. Remember, this is oil-rich Libya we are talking of, containing one of the purest forms of the black stuff in the world! No way the West would be prevented from getting some, if not all of that!

 What’s next for Libya? Of course, nation building, with the intervention of the West, of course. The country has gone through a de-facto civil war, causing widespread destruction. And divided Libya was, with towns loyal to the fallen despot right up to the very end. It was his generals who deserted him when they could clearly see the writing on the wall, or in the sand. With Muammar Gaddhafi gone, it is uncertain if the whole nation is truly united. Remember, it took almost eight months for the rebellion to succeed, and largely in part due to the “help” from NATO. It was an American Predator who spotted a convoy fleeing from Sirte. A French warplane attacked the convoy with missiles and when the smoke cleared, that’s the only time the rebels went in for the kill, not even knowing at first who the target was.

 I would be a hypocrite if I would say I wasn’t glad the despot is gone. I will further go on to say that I hope with his demise, the price of oil goes significantly down. Oil companies have always had the convenient excuse of lower oil production in the absence of Libyan oil to raise prices, and for them to stay there! Question now is, will Libyan oil flow freely, now that a new transitional government is trying to take control of a war-torn countryside.

Some are saying that what happened to Gaddhafi should serve as a stern warning to the remaining Arab despots in the region. There is still ongoing unrest in Syria and Yemen, where the respective rulers show no signs of stepping down. Syria has already violently cracked down on protesters, leading to the deaths of many. But since there is no oil in Syria, no NATO nor America, of course. We will have to wait for this event to play out on its own, without the services of NATO. After all, NATO and its allies have already established themselves in the global regime toppling industry, for the “right” reasons, of course!

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