Through 3 of my 9 lives (Part 2 of 2)

First Life (ages 1 to 10) …Continuation from last Saturday

 When I turned 7, my parents decided it was time to abandon Manila’s increasingly stressful and congested environment and head off to my maternal grandfather’s estate here in Cebu where I spent many of my summers throughout my terrible twos and thereabouts. My mom didn’t like the idea of migrating to the US,though I heard she had already passed the state board exams for optometrists in California, believing it was going to be more challenging to raise a family there, in terms of lifestyle, culture, and values.

 Moving here definitely counts as one of the best decisions our folks have ever made—it was strategic and oozing with foresight. Cebu, at the time still pretty laidback with its old world, provincial charm, was on the cusp of Ceboom. Always providing an attractive equilibrium to living, the unique way Cebu intersperses business and pleasure, its character, culture and history, and the faith of its people, instantly left me captivated and clearly, spellbound for life (cognizant that Cebu’s creative culture also cultivates one’s capacity to conceive, create, and conquer!). I might not have been born in Cebu, but I was definitely born to be Cebuano!

 For the last three years of my First Life (a.k.a my childhood), I played under the almost forbidding shadow of my almost tyrannical grandfather who expected nothing less from us (more particularly, me). Perhaps it was the price I had to pay for all the comforts and perks of living in beautiful Cebu and in a family estate that had most everything a kid could ever want: a swimming pool, a kwadra (a stable for our horses, Martin and Marie), a tennis court, and all the space for all the pets I’ve ever wanted (I’ve had cats, dogs, rabbits, snakes, monitor lizards, birds, a goat, and at some point before, there were also deer in our compound), plus a satellite dish (this was before the age of cable TV) that beamed cartoon shows direct from the US as they were being shown there! I’m having goosebumps just recalling it!

Second Life (ages 11 to 20)

 After going to six different schools throughout six years of elementary, high school definitely became a source of stability and certainty. Staying in one school for four straight years introduced me to my first set of really lasting friendships. It also provided me with a respite, an escape to the sternness of my lolo at home (to me, he was like a predator always lurking, just waiting for the kill!).The education and training I got from Cebu Normal University (it was my choice to study in a state university for high school) was typified by a strong emphasis on both curricular and extra-curricular activities, laying a sturdy foundation for the adventures that lay ahead.

 Here, I started to put together a bucket list of dreams and goals. I was growing up. I also became more aware of the worth of the values and principles I had learned from my family and the Church. I made a decision to make a name for myself and prove all the criticisms of my grandfather wrong (Thus, in a big way, he provided me with the push I needed and for that, I will for always be grateful).

 College in the University of San Carlos, and my entry into the campus political party TINGOG Carolinian, provided a platform for all the energy and ideas I had to offer. I was bursting with life, with every bit of my ADHD self ready to explode. Principles were strengthened and put to the test, over and over again. Here my eyes were opened to the power of my thoughts, words, dreams and prayers to shape my own destiny and in some way, impact others as well.

Third Life (ages 21 to present)

 The first five years after college saw me crossing out more entries in my bucket list, from the biggest of dreams, to the mundane, even superficial/inconsequential ones.

 For instance, I’ve always dreamed of: 1) Serving in government; 2) Being able to fight for the things I believe in, regardless of the consequences; 3) Representing the country in the UN General Assembly and the ASEAN; 4) Meeting a real-life prince; 5) Receiving international recognition in whatever field to bring honor to the Philippines; 6) Co-drafting a piece of international policy; 7) Watching Lea Salonga on Broadway; 8) Being part of a national talk show; 9) Helping steer our campus party, TINGOG Carolinian, to three years of uninterrupted victory in the student council elections while training more youth leaders; 10) Working on my biggest weakness—impatience.

 To my disbelief, and surely with a lot of heavenly luck and hard work, I’ve done all those and more well within the last five years (never thought I’d also be writing a column or appearing in an international commercial!). With Divine Providence, support from friends and family, the kindness (and even brutality) of countless strangers, and an unyielding determination to move to action, I went on realizing the dreams I’ve set for myself.

 From the time I overstayed in my mother’s womb (they literally had to force me out) to everything else that’s happened between then and now, I could say I’ve lived a rather eventful life (falling madly in love definitely included). Now older and hopefully wiser yet still the little boy who believes in the beauty of limitless possibilities, I’m thrilled to add and cross out new entries to an amended bucket list of dreams and goals.

 Onwards to living the rest of my lives (3 down, 6 to go) believing, trusting, knowing that for me, for you, our country and our world, the best is yet to come!



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