EDITORIAL - Still no improvement

The management of the Cebu City Medical Center is pushing for a higher budget for its operations next year. CCMC director Eduardo Sedoripa said the increase is necessary to ensure adequate health services.

The city-owned hospital has a yearly budget of P211 million. If the request is approved by the Local Finance Committee and the City Council, the CCMC budget for next year would hike to P145 million with the bulk going to the salaries and benefits of its 484 personnel.

While there’s no one coming forward questioning the city hospital’s request for a budget increase, it remains unclear whether City Hall will eventually give in to the appeal. Of course, an increased budget undeniably means an improved quality of services at the CCMC.

But the CCMC has, for years, been saddled with various controversies.

These anomalies range from its refusal to admit certain patients to irregularity in check releasing to incidents involving negligence among doctors and nurses. The bulb explosion at the pediatric ward that burned three infants early this year is still fresh in our minds.

During his term, former mayor Tomas Osmeña wanted to dispose of the city hospital for loss of confidence in its officials. Thinking it has become an excess baggage, he even negotiated with businessman Manny Pangilinan for CCMC’s sale, hoping the city will eventually stop subsidizing the cash-strapped hospital.

Good thing the talks did not materialize. Otherwise the poor patients in the city will have no other public hospital to turn to.

Calls for the CCMC to professionalize its services have been mounting. But it’s been unfortunate that the operations at the hospital remain the same. Its management does not even have the courage to properly inform the public about the result of its investigation into the burning incident.

Although the hospital management has million reasons to request for a raise in the next budget, it is sad that there have never been concrete efforts being implemented to enhance its services.

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