Surprise, surprise!

“Driver Hangs Self After Spat with Wife” — Headline. He couldn’t wait for the passage of the Divorce Law?

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They should hurry up with the passage of the Divorce Law to save the lives of battered husbands with suicidal tendencies. Hehe.

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I have just learned that there are battered husbands who, instead of committing suicide, seek jobs abroad to cool off.

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 “That’s better,” says a marriage counselor. “They’re able to distance themselves from da missus and the rolling pin and still be able to care of her and the family (they were) supposed to dump.”

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Last week, PNoy wanted to make a surprise visit to the Bilibid Prisons. He was surprised when the prisoners surprised him that they knew he was coming. Hehe.

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PNoy should teach the PSG sikyus how to keep a secret. They should quit showing off their presence as they always do when the President is coming.

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Mrs. Melody Sian sent me a list of 12 healthy foods to keep me, well, healthy. Thank you, Ma’am Melody. But the foods are too pricey and can’t be had for a song.

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 “We are a country of free man,” said a member of the Congress with pride. But we are also a country of hungry men. And what did Adlai Stevenson say? He said: “Hungry men are no free men.” To which I can’t say “hehe” but “ugh.”

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It says here that the senators are getting P30 million each additional “pork.” This brings to P230 million the total amount of pork barrel for each senator this year. No one is calling for investigation, is there? Hehe.

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It has been discovered that there was a juggling of PCSO funds under the previous administration. This is what needs to be investigated, right?

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Let me stop awhile to pat someone on the back. The Cebu Post Office people. A reader’s letter to Banat News was addressed: “Gold Palace Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City.” Wrong. But the PO people delivered the letter to Banat News’ correct address.

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