Pregnant men

That American radio preacher who said the world would end last May 21, 2011, proved himself to be no better than the Quiapo fortune tellers.


I remember some years ago ... One Quiapo fortune teller went to radio to warn the people to prepare for a forthcoming 14 days of darkness. What happened was 14 days of sunshine.


A 70-year-old well-to-do hog dealer was heard speaking on the phone in his office: “Pre, things have been going bad lately. Pulos man mga tiguwang kining mga ka-date ko.”


A woman rights advocate said: “There must be a 100 percent equality among men and women.” A young friend of mine who was at the symposium said: “This woman wants us men to get pregnant too.”


“Oral Contracts Banned” — Headline. Samuel Goldwyn, the famous Hollywood personality, has this to say about oral contracts: “An oral contract is not worth the paper it is written on.”


Boxing icon Oscar de la Hoya, who continues to be the idol of many boxing fans worldwide, has volunteered to enter a drug rehab center in California for treatment. He knows what’s good for himself. Here in Cebu, there’s a local someone who is known to nearly everyone as a drug addict but refused rehab. Unlike de la Hoya, he doesn’t know — or refuses to know — what’s good for himself.


Sen. Ping Lacson — to repeat what I reported in my last column — has filed a bill calling for children to show filial responsibility to their aging, sickly or disabled parents. This is in keeping with one of God’s commandments where the children are commanded to love, obey and take care of their parents.


Senator Lacson must have been aware that in this generation many children no longer care about their parents after they (parents) have gone through all the trouble to make them real human beings.


TRIVIA — Love is blind, but marriage restores it sight. - G.C. Lichtenberg

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