Interracial couple kissing on bus

KISSING COUPLE. An old American man was seen with a young Filipina onboard a bus from a northern town. The interracial couple were seen constantly kissing even though the bus was filled with passengers. Every time the couple would lock lips, the passengers, especially the men onboard would grunt, others would react with “O, na nasab.”

HOW MANY TIMES? When the couple disembarked near the North Bus Terminal, the passengers broke into chatter with one passenger saying, “Unya, inyong na ihap kon kapila to maghalok ang duha?” The other passengers laughed and shook their heads. Another passenger commented to her friend, “OK ra siguro para aning mga foreigners apan lain man gud tan-awon para nato diri’s Pinas. Dili man gud ta ingon ana ka lantaran.”

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