Finding the faith of Catholics in Cebu

This special presentation on our talkshow on Straight from the Sky was actually taped on Feb.17th, just a week before the New Zealand earthquake. So we had to shelve this show in deference to the natural disaster that fell upon New Zealand. But with the unrest in the Middle East and the Japanese earthquake and tsunami getting much of the news, I figured that the time is right to have the New Zealand promotion show on tonight’s show.

 Our special guests tonight are His Excellency New Zealand Ambassador Andrew Matheson with New Zealand’s Top Chef Simon Gauot and Mr. Allan Koziariski, New Zealand Regional Director. Watch this very informative show about New Zealand on SkyCable’s Channel 15 at 8:00pm tonight.

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 Finally the International Community has begun to enforce a “No-Fly Zone” over Libya. Hundreds of Tomahawk missiles followed French Rafaele and British Tornado jetfighters that carried reconnaissance missions and bombing runs against Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s air defenses, military vehicles and tanks. This operation is dubbed “Operation Odyssey Dawn”. There is no question that this attack by the US, British and French air assets would degrade Gadhafi’s air power, which he has been using against his own people. Not to mention that Gadhafi is responsible for the famous Pan Am Lockerbie bombing two decades ago.

 The question on everyone’s mind is: “Is this international effort” too little, too late? There are pundits who say that it is too late, unless ground troops would be sent to Libya to yank Gadhafi out of his palace. Now whether this would change things for Libya, people say, take a look at Iraq, until now has yet to see any peace even if Saddam Hussein has been removed as Iraq’s leader. The answers to those questions could be answered within the week depending on how Gadhafi reacts to this attack.

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 Last week, I was exhorting in my columns for Catholics to join the Penitential Walk for Life with the Pro-Life groups that went for a walk from Fuente Osmeña up to the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral. But it had been raining in the past few days and I must confess that I really did not have much faith in our fellow Catholics that they would join this activity more so that it was hampered by the rain. But they came by the thousands!

 My plan was to park my car somewhere in the Cathedral and take a taxi to Fuente. But as I got to Fuente by 5:30pm traffic was already snarled and I decided to park my car in Robinson’s Cybergate. So Jessica and I joined the March for Life. What struck me was that there were so many people who joined this march. So many people, after all, are Pro-Life. As we left Fuente Osmeña, I called up my good friend Dr. Rene Bullecer and asked him where he was and he told me that he was with Rep. Cutie and former Rep. Raul del Mar in corner Sanciangko St. and Osmeña Blvd.

 I’ve joined countless of Prayer Rallies against the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill and I dare say that last Saturday’s event was the biggest that Cebu has ever seen. My conservative estimate is between 30 to 50 thousand people joined the March. When they arrived at the Cathedral many of them slowly went home as the Cathedral itself was jam-packed with people, including the parking grounds. Call it a coincidence that Saturday was the Feast of St. Joseph and the birthday of Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma.

 I just hope that our local media gives a fair reporting on this event because the last time we had a huge rally in Fuente Osmeña, a columnist friend of ours made a gross error of writing that there were two rallies pro and anti going on at the same time. Thankfully, he admitted his error in his column after the Task Force for Life asked him for fairness.

 Just a few days ago, media gave important coverage on that motley band that calls themselves “Catholics for RH” who had a meeting at the ALU Building at the Port Area. Those so-called Catholics are better off joining other Christian faiths if they do not obey the tenets and doctrines laid down by the Catholic Church. They are a very small minority compared to the thousands that marched in the rain to the Cathedral last Saturday.

 Let me remind you of what the Evangelist Luke wrote in 18: 7-8 “Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” This question being asked by our Lord Jesus Christ is referring to our times, whether the Son of Man would find faith when he comes again. I will deal with this story again when I write the 3rd Secret of Fatima. Suffice it to say that last Saturday I did find faith in our fellow Cebuano Catholics.

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