
If the interpreter of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi was true to the words spoken, then I would say with all impunity that the strongman has already lost it.

His speech to the Libyan people via state television showed that he was completely clueless as to what is transpiring in the country he has held on to for more than four decades. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that it was more like the rant of a senile, old man! For a leader to call the protesters drunks, drug addicts and cockroaches, not necessarily in that order, actually made me laugh! But then again, this is Libya.

It is obvious that the man once feared in a country that harbors and trains terrorists has lost whatever he had when he first rose into power. If this were the Gadhafi of old, and the army truly loyal to him, cities like Benghazi would not have fallen to the protesters. I also believe his speech would have been more logical but terrifying, instead of being whimsical and humorous! I mean, cockroaches?

Nevertheless, he is still a dangerous man, stupid but dangerous, as shown by his order to bomb his own people. Like bombing the protesters would make them bow into submission. If anything, it would only strengthen their resolve.

Gadhafi may probably have days before his world totally crumbles down on him, but the possibility of a bloody transition of power is very certain, especially with his current state of mind. Again, everything relies on the army, which has already shown numerous cracks in terms of loyalty to Gadhafi. The army helped secure Benghazi for the protesters.

Leaders should know when they are no longer significant. Rulers in the Arab/Muslim world have the propensity to stay a lot longer than desired, enriching themselves and their families in the process. If they only had a Senate like ours.

For Libya, the world can only hope that the current crisis resolves soon. The world would also benefit when oil prices start going down once it’s all over. If only oil were in the hands of somebody else!

I’m sure the US is just itching to get into the fray, as it failed in its own bid to rid Gadhafi decades ago. But all in all, he’s finished. Thank God for that!

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