25 years before and after

February 1986. That was a glorious moment in the history of our country and our people. We showed ourselves that united, we can make change possible, that united, we can forge ahead and topple even the mightiest of dictators.

Those who joined the millions of people at EDSA remember the anguish of deciding whether to risk one’s life or not. Millions who have since been remembered for the first ever peaceful show of People Power that the world witnessed recall the mixed emotions that they experienced as they proceeded to EDSA alone, in groups, with their families or communities. Millions knew that the trip, their participation in EDSA could be their last as they fully realized and saw with their own eyes the deadly military tanks, the hovering military aircrafts, the loaded guns and weapons of those who sided with the overstaying dictator.

Millions left their homes and with fear but with hope and faith as well, proceeded to EDSA. Once inside the EDSA area occupied by the anti-dictator millions, fear was replaced by solidarity, brotherhood, elation and pride to be part of the historic movement for freedom, for change. People chanting “Laban” as they made the L-sign with their fingers, warmly greeted all newcomers and ushered them into the anti-dictator zone through the whole stretch of EDSA.

Radios and TVs were on. News of defections were cheered, news of aggressive action by the dictator and his camp were jeered and booed. When tanks and airplanes were announced to be approaching, initial fear was palpable but an adamant, determined multitude stayed on as they had earlier decided to give up even their lives, for the sake of freedom for our people and our country.

Fast forward February 2011.

Commemorative events and holidays are reminding every Filipino about that glorious month of February 25 years ago. As a result of that first historic People Power at EDSA, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino was sworn in as the legitimate President, the first ever Woman President as well of the Republic of the Philippines.

Twenty-five years after, Cory’s only son, Noynoy, is now leading the commemorative celebration of that historic February revolution of 1986.

Before the February 1986 revolution, our country experienced being ruled by a dictator who overstayed in power, without elections, for 20 years. Until May, 2010, our country was ruled by a second woman leader whose legitimacy as President continues to be questioned because of her involvement in the unresolved election-related Garci controversy.

Our country before February 1986 experienced extreme cronyism, corruption, curtailment of freedom, much unresolved disappearance and killings and the intensification of the gap between the rich and the poor. The dictator started to pamper the military with prime civilian posts and other perks to gain their allegiance and loyalty, a practice adopted and raised to greater heights of corruption and abuse by the pre-P.Noy administration.

25 years after, several presidents after the dictator, the last leader touted as having been worse than the dictator himself, our country is still reeling from the abuses of corrupt leaders and their followers. The millions at EDSA had since been left behind to continue to experience hunger, unemployment, homelessness, even despair.

Just as a new democratic government under Cory was ushered in by the February 1986 revolution, February 2011 is now being celebrated by Cory’s son perceived and accepted by the millions who voted him into power as honest and sincere.

We still are not where our millions at EDSA had hoped for our country and our people. The road to genuine pro-people change is not smooth and easy. Mistakes and challenges are legion. But our millions of people have not given up. In May, 2010, Filipino people power, again, ushered in a new Aquino leadership to replace another abusive leader.

25 years after 1986, we remain a prayerful people faithfully hoping and believing that God will finally bless and heal this nation with much-needed genuine change.

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Email: cherryb_thefreeman@yahoo.com


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