Student bats for Sinulog commercialization

COMMERCIALIZATION. Fourth year students in a government-run high school here were asked to write a composition on the Sto. Niño fiesta. One student wrote about the issue concerning the claim that because of the Sinulog Mardi Gras, the fiesta has become too commercialized. The teacher liked the student's piece. It was in favor of commercialization..

LET'S FACE REALITY. The student, 15, said in his composition: "Let's face reality ... The world today moves through the economic forces and machinery of all nations. You negate this fact, you stay behind." So where does the commercialization of the Sinulog come in? "I am for the commercialization of the festival to make things fair and square. If the sponsors want to make money, festival organizers also have to do the same."

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