EDITORIAL - What begins with a small step

No event probably augurs so much positive vibes to usher in the New Year than the December 31 meeting at a mutual friend's house between Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia and Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama.

The two have been in the center of controversies involving issues affecting their respective local governments, issues that themselves sprung from largely personal and political animosities that had less to do with Rama himself than with his predecessor.

 No details of the meeting were made available to the press. But the fact that the meeting took place at all has opened the door a crack, through which the air of possibilities can now pass to inspire hope that all will eventually be well for all Cebuanos.

For whatever animosities may envelop our leaders, Cebuanos cannot allow themselves to suffer the consequences. The meeting at least proves that our leaders have the ability to recognize their responsibilities are far greater than their own interests.

Garcia is serving out her third and last term. Rama is still starting his first. Whatever it is, both are in a unique position to work out something that will ultimately be for the larger interests of Cebuanos without sacrificing their own personal stakes.

For it would be too much to ask of both officials the sacrifice of their own interests. No politician is built that way. And to demand such of both is not only impractical, it is also foolhardy and whimsical.

Cebuanos may be fired with great ideals, but they are also pragmatic. That is why Cebuanos have always excelled in almost every endeavor. Because they do not ask for the moon. It is enough for them to bask in its light, and use it to illuminate the right path.

 If Garcia and Rama can even just put to rest the animosities that have previously rent the air afoul, the civility that ensues should be enough ground upon which both sides can work out solutions to problems that, for all you know, may not have been as big as they appeared.

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