I'm always misunderstood

I once said here that I get all kinds of e-mail scams. I’m not angry. I just smile when I receive one. Like last week, I got this in my e-mail: “Sure Fire Tips on How to Boil an Egg.”

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The reader’s tips are simple and easy to follow. 1. Get an egg. 2. Get some water. 3. Put the egg in the water. 4. Boil the egg. 5. After a few minutes, remove the egg from boiling water (Caution: Don’t touch the boiling water. It’s hot), 6. Unpeel the egg. Then enjoy!

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When I said here that I didn’t want a sissy President, someone e-mailed: “So you want a President like Erap, a womanizer?”

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Hehe. I didn’t say that. I always get misunderstood. I was only commenting on talks that P.Noy was “caught” dating and some people criticized him for that. You don’t want a sissy for a President, I kidded.

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A schoolteacher says she has observed that less and less students in the lower level (elementary) no longer read books. The computer and the Internet have seized their attention and interest.

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The same problem is common in many schools in the US. Or so I read in the Los Angeles Times Daily News. US education officials are trying to find a way to win back the students’ interest in reading books.

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They experimented on graphic novels like the comic books. After two years, many students have gone back to reading. Traditional educators have frowned on this but no one seems to care. The hard novels in comics form continue to receive the students’ acceptance.

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Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m just passing on to you what I read about in the LA Daily News. I am not for or against the idea of letting our pupils read Hemingway or Edgar Allan Poe in comics form.

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E-mail from Joseph Martin, a Cebuano in La Jolla, Calif.: “I heard from friends here that you are sick bad. Doesn’t show in your column but, true or not, take good care of your health.”

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Thanks, Joseph for your concern. Yes, I’m taking care of my health. It’s my only wealth.

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Email: nitzjab@yahoo.com

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