Commotion in the flower market

COMMOTION. There was a commotion in one part of the Freedom Park where flowers were sold last Saturday. An Ear informer said the regular flower vendors in the area drove away a farming couple who sold their flowers cheap. Buyers flocked to the couple’s space where the flowers were sold at “regular” price. “Alkanse mi aning kalakiha nila (couple) dah,” one vendor said in billegerant voice.

WHY “ALKANSE”? Some observers were heard asking one another: “Nganong alkanse man sila? Kon ila nang ibaligya (ang buwak) sa regular nga presyo ginansiya na sila.” Another observer said: “Ang gusto gud nila tagaliog nga ginansiya.”

DISAPPEARED. The farming couple who sold their flowers cheap disappearead from the scene fearing bodily harm but by then they had already disposed all their flowers, The Ear source said.

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