The other face of media

ANOTHER TALENT. During this time of the year, the members of the media put down their pens or recorders and put on a different face. Police reporters who are used to wearing sneakers and T-shirts put on tights and become dancers. Straight-laced newsroom editors let their hair down and scream to cheer on their paper’s candidate. Tables are also turned as the writers who are used to asking questions find themselves stepping into Venus Raj’s shoes as they rack their brains to come up with brilliant reply during the search for the Mr. and Ms. Press Freedom.

PRESS FREEDOM. This would be the 16th year that the Cebu media celebrates Press Freedom Week, where members of the media put aside their differences and celebrate the freedom that the press now enjoy while ironically, the Manila media is in hot water because of how they handled their coverage of the Quirino grandstand hostage crisis. A mediaman commented, “Kita diri naglingaw-lingaw pero ang media sa Manila, gilatos sa mga senador.”

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