
In as much as I would like to talk more about the embarrassing way the PNP conducted its “assault” on the tourist bus, I’ll just leave it to all the experts who have already had their say. After all, we have already embarrassed ourselves before the whole world. Or have we?

An apparently newborn baby, wrapped in God knows what, was discovered inside a trash bin of a Gulf Air flight. Obviously, the mother who again, God knows how she gave birth to the child on the plane without attracting attention to herself, did not want the blessing that the Almighty has bestowed upon her. Instead, she saw it fit to throw it away along with the rest of humanity’s refuse.

Personally, I am incensed at this behavior. At a time when pregnancy out of wedlock and single moms are already accepted in society, there are still those who feel it is taboo to be heavy with child. With all the foundations that are able to help with teenage pregnancies and mothers who cannot raise additional children, this act is absolutely criminal!

Another baby, this time already dead, was found in the bathroom of a passenger vessel. The mother allegedly left it there after she “accidentally” gave birth to the child while relieving herself!

I can just hear it now. Aside from botching hostage rescues, we throw unwanted children into airplane trash bins and passenger vessel bathrooms!

Humans have the disadvantage of giving birth to one of the most helpless of young, even amongst mammals. Unlike the young of other animals who are left to fend for their own, most quite capable of doing so. Indeed, an unattended newborn baby doesn’t stand a chance of survival on its own for long. It needs the care of an adult. Even Moses had to be taken in as he floated along the river Nile.

    There are many foundations and institutions that can take in unwanted babies, whatever the reason, just as there are many families who are more than willing to adopt a child for their own. The overwhelming offers to adopt baby “GF” proves this.

The mother has three months to claim her child, should she still want him. Otherwise, “GF” goes through the usual processes for adoption. That is, if she isn’t thrown into jail for what she did.

Reminds me of those posters where stray cats and dogs are said to be homeless, not useless. Perhaps a similar one should be put up depicting a baby in a trash bin. Helpless, not useless.

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