Koreans' bad behavior in a resto

LOUD BEHAVIOR. A female journalist had dinner with her sister in a native restaurant at the IT Park recently. Just when they were starting their meal, a group of Koreans entered, sat down and began talking in very loud voices. A few minutes later, a Korean family entered, sat down and again began talking very loudly. The journalist said, “Ingon ani gyud ni sila? Mora’g mag-siyagit pirmi? Pwerteng sabaa.”

PEERING AT POCHERO. The female journalist and her sister were eating pochero at the native restaurant that night. The Koreans who pass by their table, to and from the toilet, would lean over their table to look at the big bowl of pochero. But what really upset the journalist was when a Korean man leaned over their table, his face almost right smack at the bowl and began scratching his belly. The journalist later told The Ear, “Nawagtangan ko’g gana uy! Ka wala gyu’y batasan. Lami duklon!”

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