The world's top five rice producers

When Noy Temyong turned 80, he said to himself: "OK lang, that's only a number ... Si kuan bitaw is only 40 but he looks 80." Haha.

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Many men are so proud of their hairy breasts they have insured the hair for millions of dollars. A Pinoy barber in San Francisco got an idea. He tried to invent a breast hair toupee.

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This is a true story passed on to me by a fellow journalist in California. It is also true that this Pinoy later found himself in a psycho hospital.

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A Chinese friend of mine is proud of the Chinese language, whatever the dialect is. He says every English word or phrase has an equivalent in Chinese. He can't give me an example but I read somewhere that the Chinese translation of "Once upon a time" is "Before a very long, long time."

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I learned that health authorities in France are stepping up their drive against cigarette smoking. An informant said that cigarette boxes in France now carry this warning: "Smoking may cause a slow and painful death."

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Sen. Joker Arroyo is complaining that all powerful committees in the Senate are cornered by the LP. My favorite senator must just a joking. Isn't it the rule in power politics that to the victor belong the spoils?

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I don't like what I read somewhere recently. The article said that the world's top five producers of rice are China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Vietnam.

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 I'm disgusted because, look, these countries are producing more rice than RP. And yet their farmers learned about the latest rice production techniques in the Philippines.

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While we are not one of the top five world producers of rice, we are said to be Asia's No. 1 consumer of rice. Doesn't sound nice does it? It seems to show that we eat lots of rice but can't produce what we need to fill our stomachs.

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We teach the top five countries how to produce lots of rice and we buy from them what we need to fill our bodegas.

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