Editorial - Want to fly? Go fly a kite.

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young is said to be interested in acquiring three 40-year-old single-engine planes that the owner, the Department of Education, has already deemed unserviceable.

Thankfully, Mayor Michael Rama was not blown over by Young's enthusiasm. Not about to throw caution into the wind, he told the vice mayor he wants to first study what the options are for the city.

There is probably merit in the city acquiring a plane of its own, although a helicopter would seem more appropriate for its needs. But three planes? And all of them already 40 years old and unserviceable? Why, that is precisely why the DepEd wants to get rid of them.

Somebody said the aircraft could be used for search and rescue missions. The search part we can agree with. But rescue? Last time we looked, a helicopter is the only aircraft best suited for rescues, not fixed-wing aircraft without hovering capabilities.

If the city truly feels there is a compelling reason to buy an aircraft at this time, be it a plane or a helicopter, then it should look for and insist on better value for its money. It should look for younger aircraft truly certified to fly.

For it is definitely not in the interest of anyone for the city to pay P4.6 million for three very old and unserviceable planes whose potential for causing nothing but trouble seems to be immeasurable.

To be sure, paying P4.6 million for three planes is a bargain, but only if the planes can fly and stay up in the air. But if they were just resurrected from the junk pile, then their integrity become highly suspect and not worth our cheapest while. To insist on it is criminal.

So while the city at present has no headache whatsoever that is remotely associated with any aircraft, it should not tempt fate by going and looking for it. It must be prudent enough about what it wishes for, lest it just might get it.

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