2 mediamen on Pacquiao's privilege speech

MOST AWAITED SPEECH. With the many neophyte Congressmen who have given privilege speeches, none would be most awaited, than that of Philippine’s boxing champ. Congress watchers who usually drift off to sleep listening to long speeches of Congressmen suddenly perked up when it was time for Pacman’s turn at the podium. One mediaman said to his colleague, “Interested ko maminaw kung unsaon niya pag-deliver iyang speech. Ininglis ba o Tinagalog.”

EFFERVESCENT SPEECH. Those who listened in on Pacman’s speech, including many congressmen, had smiles on their lips. Maybe because of pressure to speak in public, the world-famous boxer stumbled on some English words, among those the word “effervescence”. Later, the two media met again. One said to the other, “Mutay ‘Bay, pandol man siya sa ‘effervescence’. Klaro kaayo nga dili siya nagsuwat sa iya speech.”

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