A dozen trees cut down in business park

A DOZEN DOWN. An Ear informer saw the devastation of a dozen trees in front of a mall. Only tree stumps remained. Branches and tree trunks are strewn about the ground, an eyesore to the shoppers who pass by, to and from the mall. The Ear informer heard a local shopper comment, “Hala, ilang gipamutol ang kahoy. Kasayang. Nibati na hinuon.” Those responsible for the landscaping of this part of the business park should put up a notice if they are planning to improve the “look” of this part of the park.

FOREIGN COMMENT. The cutting of a dozen trees did not remain unnoticed by foreign tourists who usually use this park on their way to the mall from hotels nearby. Many Koreans also pass by this park because of a nearby Korean church. A European tourist who saw the tree stumps shook his head in dismay. He told his friend, “So sad.”

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