Laughter and applause in presidential forum

VOLUME OF APPLAUSE. The popularity of the president could not only be determined by surveys, they could also be done through the volume of applause he gets. During the presidential forum at the CICC yesterday, as each presidentiable was called, the audience applaused, but the volume of the applause varied. For instance, Gibo, Manny and Noynoy got very loud applause, while the rest, not so much. One presidentiable even got laughter, louder than the applause.

GOOD HUMOR. When the issue of corruption was asked, Bro. Eddie said that tougher measures should be in place, especially for plunderers. Several of the audience’s eyes swiveled to the former president. When Erap was called next, the audience smiled. When he said on the issue of corruption: “I’ve been there...” the audience burst into laughter. But the former president seemed unfazed and he took the audience’s laughter in good humor.

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