Criminal mind

Jason Aguilar Ivler has been apprehended. Exactly sixty days after he allegedly gunned down in cold blood the son of a Palace official, the NBI finally found him. But he did not go quietly, and not without a fight.

A gunfight! All this time, he was hiding in his mother’s home in Blue Ridge, Quezon City. Despite repeated denials by his mother, Marlene Aguilar Pollard, of knowledge of his whereabouts, he was all this time coddled by her and current husband Stephen Pollard. She even went on national tv to air an emotional and tear-filled appeal to his fugitive son to surrender to the authorities and face the music. An Oscar performance indeed. Makes you think about those who cry on tv. But totally understandable; after all, Jason is her son. Even Hitler had a mother who loved him, I guess. She, her husband, and the entire household know face obstruction of justice charges to be leveled against them soon. Stephen may even be deported as a persona non grata. Perhaps this is a good spot to insert the song “Anak”.

After his capture, his secret dwelling of the past two months was revealed. Two guns – an M16 Armalite and a .45 caliber pistol, both with abundant supplies of ammunition, along with fake IDs. A bandolier to hold his ammunition. Two silencers or suppressors. A poster of Al Pacino’s movie “Scarface”. Fitness equipment, obviously to keep him in shape as he led a hermit’s life. One would easily conclude that Jason Ivler wasn’t planning to go quietly should the authorities finally find him.

I am certain he has played the final gunfight scene of Scarface in his head several time, while uttering the famous lines, “Say hello to my little freng!”, while blasting away at the cops! Such drama. Such bravado. Such a criminal mind! Such a mind should never have been allowed to roam the streets.

The question begs to be asked yet again, why is he free?

In 2004, he figured in a fatal car accident where another Palace official was killed when Ivler’s vehicle rammed him at breakneck speed. He was absolved of the homicide charges, but then he tried to leave the country via the south door. He was caught, yet was again freed! And because he was free, chance brought him to the intersection of Santolan and Ortigas, where he allegedly committed his last crime.

If he was out on bail, shouldn’t his movements have been restricted? Or was it because he is the stepson of an ADB official that certain leniencies and liberties were given to him? That’s why I don’t believe certain criminals should be pardoned or paroled. The defect is still there, despite incarceration and rehabilitation. But that’s another issue altogether.

Thank goodness this criminal has been caught. Thank goodness that’s one less road rage monster on the loose. But this has been one slippery fish. And a trained fish at that. I hope everyone sees to it that he doesn’t get away. Death would have been too easy for him, which is why I believe there was a reason he wasn’t hosed down like other suspects who shoot it out with the authorities. Justice must have its day.

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