Game Plans 2010

It has become more starkly clear that those in power do not wish to relinquish their power and will want to stay powerful for as long as they can. Their game plans which they vehemently denied before are now so shamelessly evident, now that May 2010 is coming closer.

Let’s look at their Game Plan A which can be labeled as From Presidential to Parliamentary System. This game plan includes charter change, GMA running for Congress and being elected in May, an October Constitutional Convention, then GMA’s election as Prime Minister in a new system of government.

Remember how they denied such plans in the past? Observe how they are still denying that this is part of their game plan or that this is a plan involving the collusion of those in Congress and those in Malacañang.

Contrast their denials with what are actually happening till now. So much millions of pork have been used for the district where GMA has filed her candidacy after she steps down from Malacañang.

Millions of pesos can convert into so much power and control over those lured by the glitter of millions. Millions of votes are also guaranteed for those used to rigged elections.

Even before elections, many are already smiling their way to the next Congress.

Remember the past elections and the unsolved charges of electoral fraud involving many among the pork, power-addicted in the present administration? Why shouldn’t they be smiling even this early?

In the meantime, those in Congress are ensuring that a Constitutional Convention takes place after May elections. Win or lose, they are preparing the ground for a shift to a parliamentary system, so that no matter who gets elected as President by the people in an honest or even in a non-honest electoral exercise, their generous pork supplier will end up as Prime Minister with powers greater than the honestly or dishonestly elected President in May this year.

Shameless? Who cares whether this plan is acceptable to our people? The power and pork addicts don’t and won’t care about our people.

Remember, this is the gang that wants to stay in power. Yes, these are the same people so addicted to pork. The public funds that rightly belong to and should be used for and by the people, the pork-addicted powerful think belong to them. There are those in this group that think that their power is divinely ordained even!

Most likely, those who are not part of this power and pork-addicted cabal know about this Game Plan A. What are they doing about this?   One guess is there are those among them who think this plan will not proceed because the Filipino people will not allow them. Surveys have shown that our people do not like any charter change. The Church, through some bishops, has also reminded the present government not to force CHACHA through.

Sadly,and most likely, the reaction of this pork and power-addicted cabal is to ignore the survey results, the Filipino people and the Church, among others. Remember, these are the insensitive, shameless gang. Do you think they will be prevented from enforcing their plan to remain in power by any group or any sense of morality?

There are also probably those who think that the strength of votes that will elect them to office in May, to replace the pork and power-addicted gang leaders, will be their greatest strength and power to offset and thwart any further moves to replace the presidential with the parliamentary system. Again, remember those they wish to topple from power are unified and shamelessly focused on wanting to stay in power.

Remember this cabal’s motto? In unity there is strength-their strength, by virtue of their numbers in Congress, the so-called rule of majority will be more powerful than the rule of votes.Will the Filipino people accept such interpretation and this shameless cabal to continue?

The people will perhaps question the moves of this cabal all the way to either the courts or the streets but pray tell, do you think the cabal did not anticipate that and do you think the courts have not been safely manned by this cabal’s appointees? And what is people power vs the might of the military whose loyalty this cabal has worked hard to ensure on their side?

Between now and May, the game plan is to proceed with elections, with the moves for charter change and candidacy of GMA, have pork barrel control be removed from the next president, among others.

Between now and May, however, should other conditions merit a change of plans, other game plans are possible. For sure, this cabal has also thought through other alternative game plans.

NOEL, Game Plan B, for no elections in May is still a possibility. What can usher in Game Plan B? The clear strength of the opposition and the Filipino people vs the power of this gang. A state of emergency perhaps? In May, should no elections take place, the problem of succession will become real. Who is next in line then to replace GMA? Don’t be surprised but who else but one of the present pork and power addicted gang members?

Can Game Plan C be a military solution? Let the administration loyalists among the military take over and have a transition government take over. Guess who will be installed as the transition government’s leaders? Do you think the pork and power addicted gang members will again emerge in this probable scenario?

Filipinos love games, whether these be tv games, boxing, basketball. Try elections or the power game. Filipinos are fascinated about different types of game plans, about what rules to play, about what prizes they can win especially.

It is advisable that Filipinos see clearly that there are those who are deciding and controlling the crucial game of politics. It is very important for all non-administration candidates as well to know which game is being played, why and for whom. It is most important for our people to see through the various game plans of the power-addicted and to define a different game that they control and that will see the Filipino people finally victorious.

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