“Supreme court voids Comelec deadline” the newspaper reports. “Listing of voters now up to January 9, 2010” it added.
The supreme court ruling is a victory for the petition of Kabataan Rep. Raymond Palatino. Could it be an all glory for the young and old voters alike who failed to register within the deadline set by the Comelec?
On the other hand, would it not create a worst case scenario within the 120 days period from January 9, 2010? Come to think of it, the registrants young and old alike would be flocking to Comelec offices all over the country until January 9, 2010. It would create a devastating effect on the records of Comelec inasmuch as the lists of voters all over the country are already prepared by Comelec.
These lists of voters have to be discarded which is a waste of money, time and effort. Another lists of voters all over the country have to be prepared by Comelec again. It is an additional expenses from the budget of Comelec and of course it’s a taxpayers’ money.
The 120 days is too short for a busy government agency like the Comelec. Any government agencies which are under time pressure have many reasons to tell if worse comes to worst.
It must have to be noted that the Comelec has yet to receive the automated machines. Would it arrive on an expected time? It’s a sixty four million dollar question.
Now my big question is: Is there no postponement of the May 2010 elections?
Salcedo C. Gines
Bliss, Labangon
Cebu City