Noynoy's "courage, integrity" not followed by some supporters?

NOYNOY POSTERS. An Ear informer saw a beige-colored Ford Everest bearing large posters of Noynoy Aquino with words “courage, integrity...”. What struck the informer was not the posters, however, but the actions of the driver of the vehicle. He made an illegal U-turn along V. Rama at 4pm Saturday afternoon. A mediaman commented, “Ironic kaayo, sa? Ang ‘courage ug integrity’ ni Noynoy wala gi-follow sa uban niyang supporters?”

LTO. A reader complained about the system of the Land Transportation Office. He said that the motorists are made to pay for every little thing. He said that the ID jacket that looks very cheap costs P30. “Intawon ang mga drivers mopalit na lang kay hadlok di i-process ilang license.” He added, “Pati pag-change address bayad og P100. Paet!”

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