Schoolkids as gangsters

Who was that Hollywood actress who said: "I love children ... They brighten my life when the skies are grey." I love children too but not these children I read about in the London Evening Standard.

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The news I got from the Evening Standard had me speechless. A 67-year-old man was murdered by a mob gang composed of schoolchildren l2 to l5 years old. He was waiting to get into a lift (elevator) when hooded kids clubbed him on the head from behind. They left him crumbling on the floor.

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The news said the mob gang of schoolchildren included schoolgirls not yet in their teens. Three of these kiddie gangsters were identified through the CCTV and were arrested. Murder charges were filed against the trio whose ages ranged from l2 to l5.

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These kiddie gangsters have created tension in the community and according to the news story I got the reported tension has given the police something to keep themselves busy.

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I see that in London they arrest kid criminals and bring them to court. It's a different story here in our place. Minors committing crime are arrested, okay, but they're turned over to the DSWD or to the kids' parents. There being a law protecting the kids from punishment.

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E-mail from Utopia (no second name): "There are two press freedom celebrations in Cebu. One runs for a week the other for a month. Why the separate observances when the theme of the celebrations is the same ... press freedom?"

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E-mail from Inday Quinto of Abu Dhabi: "Everytime I see Cebu on tv here my tears slowly roll down my cheeks. I have been away for six years and within this time many good things seem to have happened in my birthplace. Please extend my love and kisses to my mother Pansing and father Duroy. I know they are reading your paper. Thank you."

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A reader who just wanted to be called "An Old Friend" (must be as old as I?) called up the office and asked the phone operator if it's true that I move around on wheelchair. Many of my other friends think so too. Haha. I move around on my feet.. My spinal injury has caused me some trouble in my walking but I still walk. Thank God. In fact, Raffy Uytiepo thinks I'm OK. He has invited me to join a fun run. Hehe.                                                   

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