EDITORIAL - Drug rehab for Joavan

Before the latest caper of Joavan Fernandez, calls for his drug rehabilitation were already mounting. Many have been suspecting that the controversial adopted son of Talisay Mayor Socrates Fernandez is into illegal drugs because of his frequent brushes with the law.

One of those who are vocal in calling for Joavan's drug rehabilitation was Cebu first district Representative Eduardo Gullas, who lost no time in admonishing Mayor Fernandez to send Joavan to a drug center after his son was found positive for using shabu.

Even Mayor Fernandez's co-officials at Talisay City Hall did not hide their frustrations about Joavan's frequent brushes with the law. Acting Vice Mayor Alan Bucao claimed the younger Fernandez has been a problem in the city and should be removed from "the public eye."

There's no reason for Mayor Fernandez not to heed calls for the rehabilitation of his son. He must admit Joavan has been bringing problems not only to his family but to the public office he is occupying as well.

It is undeniable for Mayor Fernandez that the controversies surrounding Joavan only bring shame to the office he holds, which may only result to a public perception that he cannot discipline his son.

Look, Mayor Fernandez is the most powerful man in Talisay, yet he just cannot reform his wayward son. This situation may only prod Talisaynons to ask whether Mayor Fernandez failed in his role as a father.

Still, we cannot say that while Mayor Fernandez came up short in disciplining Joavan, he has been weak in holding a public office. Talisaynons still love him as a public servant. The fact that he has been elected to the highest post in the city several times can only attest to their undying trust in him   

The only problem with Mayor Fernandez is that he has been lenient as far as the Joavan problem is concerned. The public has yet to see the mayor giving a sermon to his son over the latter's brushes with the law.

If he really is serious in reforming Joavan, the mayor should start looking for ways that would straighten his son once and for all, such as sending him to a drug rehabilitation center as suggested by many.

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