The "Noynoy Euphoria"

People have various labels for the escalating acceptability of Noynoy as President by the Filipino people.

Earlier on, Noynoy was said to have been riding on the crest of the so-called Cory Magic or the Ninoy Aquino legacy. With very credible and incredible parents like Cory and Ninoy, both of whom demonstrated their deep love and service for our people in their life and until their deaths, it is easy to understand why their son, Noynoy, is just as effortlessly accepted by Filipinos from all walks of life.

Now, there is reference to the "Noynoy Euphoria," as described by our NGO colleague. He shared the information that in a recently held informal, random survey of 50 community leaders in Cebu, 93% readily chose Noynoy as their candidate.

This is interesting to learn as there are those who are arguing about the validity of the various social surveys that showed Noynoy garnering a high 50% acceptability in Luzon, dislodging all previous leading candidates in previous surveys.

It will also be interesting to see new survey results for Visayas and Mindanao to check whether Noynoy will also come out as the favored candidate in these areas.

If Noynoy does come out as a consistent first choice among all other Presidentiables, this will be a very auspicious beginning for Noynoy as Noynoy, not only as Noynoy, the son of Cory and Ninoy.

We have seen instances where Noynoy as Noynoy has been lovingly, warmly accepted by the youth, by those whom he has visited and reached out to even before and especially after he announced his acceptance to be a candidate for 2010. What he and his supporters can do, from hereon, is to sustain this Noynoy euphoria until and after the 2010 elections.

Malacañang brushes off this so-called honeymoon stage with Noynoy and our people as being short-lived. The cynics among the administration supporters do not believe that the Cory Magic or the Aquino legacy or even the Noynoy euphoria will last long and strong enough to elect him in 2010. Or is it that those who know how to manipulate election results are convinced that only their candidates can win, regardless of legitimacy or honesty?

Malacañang and all those who reject Noynoy, however, may wake up to a rude awakening when they realize that the euphoria may not even be centered on Noynoy alone.

The Filipino people's present apparent elation for Noynoy may be their expression of their desire for transparency, for good, honest governance, for genuine public servants to finally lead them.

If the present euphoria then goes beyond Noynoy, if the euphoria is premised on the people's belief that finally, they have a candidate in Noynoy who can finally lead this nation towards honesty, transparency and genuine public service, then there is no stopping survey and election results that will proclaim Noynoy as winner.

If other candidates this early really and truly have the Filipino nation and people in their hearts, they must unite together and bow to the people's choice and preference for change, for transparency, for honesty, for genuine public service. If the other presidentiables really want to help our people, then they must unite together and decide on common candidates to make that long-awaited change come true.

Then all the presidentiables can work together as a team, during and after the campaign. With the rest of the Filipino people, all can truly unite and start on the road to honesty, transparency, pride and prosperity for our nation.

The goal is to peacefully unite together vs. all the evil remaining in government, to peacefully take over the reins of leadership from those who refuse to let go of power and privilege for themselves. The goal is to peacefully, completely, and in unity, restore the reins of power and privilege to and for the Filipino people.

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