People's hope

Noynoy Aquino must have been fully aware that he will get a lot of flak from his critics and some skeptics when he did not announce yet his decision to seek the Presidency at the same time that Mar Roxas unselfishly withdrew his candidacy and gracefully gave way to him. There is really some basis to conclude that his timing looks like just another political gimmick. Mar Roxas would not have announced his withdrawal in Noynoy’s favor if he was not yet sure that Noynoy would take on the baton in the presidential race.

But whether it is a political gimmick or not that episode subtly revealed another facet of Noynoy’s character. He would rather risk being criticized and hit by brickbats than desecrate the memory of his late mother Cory by immediately engaging in politics even while they are still in the forty-day period of mourning her demise. Such gesture may have endeared him even more to a lot of Filipinos who uphold the admirable and unique tradition of loving and respecting their parents and the elderly. It goes to show that Noynoy does not belong to the same breed of presidential wannabes who would disregard values, traditions and even laws just to realize their ambitions.

Undoubtedly Noynoy has whipped up a lot of excitement with his announcement even if his critics and opponents say that his timing is wrong. Obviously the other presidential aspirants would also like to generate that kind of excitement but could not. Again this is a sign that the people has seen a better and real alternative who will provide a more decent and cleaner government than the one they expect from the other aspirants whose eagerness and hunger for power merely gives us a dire picture that if anyone of them wins, we will just have more of the same kind of government as the present one.

Noynoy committed to continue what his late mother “Tita Cory” started when she assumed power following the 1986 revolution. Admittedly, her mother’s administration also had flaws and missteps and was not spared of some rotten eggs who managed to worm their way into the corridors of power. But it is equally undisputed that the person at the top had managed to preserve her integrity, honesty, simplicity and humility and thus provided leadership by example which somehow minimized corruption and made it the exception rather than the rule. Undoubtedly, this is the kind of leadership that people sorely missed in the present and previous governments after Cory. And this longing was clearly manifested by the massive turnout of people from all walks of life during the late ex-president’s wake and funeral procession last August 5, 2009.

With the entry of Noynoy in the 2010 presidential race, people apparently see a chance to realize their desire for reforms in the government that will bring back Cory’s legacy of sincerity, selflessness and morality in public service. They pin their hopes on Noynoy obviously because he has so far shown that he has inherited most of his parents Ninoy and Cory’s traits particularly their love of God, country and people. In his period of discernment Noynoy undoubtedly perceived that he will be facing a big and enormous challenge of continuing and living up to this legacy. And in heeding this awesome call, he shows courage, and determination not to fail and falter or to be found wanting. This is where the people’s hope mainly lies.

He may not have fully gotten his father Ninoy’s talent as an impressive and convincing speaker which, some political pundits would say, is necessary for him to succeed in our rough and tumble politics. But during these times and with the kind of glib-tongued leaders we had elected, this talent is not after all as important as having a sincere heart and noble intentions. What matters most is the content of message emanating from the heart and not how it is conveyed. Cory was not a powerful speaker either but Filipinos missed her as much as her husband Ninoy simply because of their sincerity and nobility of their intentions and their sacrifices for our country.

Noynoy’s decision to join the presidential race is like living through and witnessing the scenes of the 1986 Snap elections when his mother Cory reluctantly accepted the call to fight Marcos. Like Cory then, Noynoy is facing the formidable money and machinery of an administration out to prolong its stay in power. This time however there are more challengers aside from Noynoy and they cannot present a united and solid front. Therefore, Noynoy may be going into a steeper uphill battle than his mother then when the opposition was united. Nonetheless, with a freer atmosphere now and with enough safeguards in the electoral process that will truly reflect the people’s voice, Noynoy may still have greater chances of capturing Malacanang and thus put himself in a position to finally effect the longed for reforms and the realization of his parents’ dreams for our country.

But Noynoy should not only ride on the crest of his parents’ popularity or simply use and keep the “Cory Magic” working until election time. Of course his Liberal party already has a platform. But aside from that he must draw up his clear and specific policy objectives on how to achieve the much needed political reforms, minimize or eliminate corruption, promote morality in government, and meet the needs of the poor and the vulnerable. In short he must have some specific plans on how to pursue and serve the common good and not special interests. For a start, he could ban his relatives within any degree of consanguinity and affinity from any government position. Then he should already set up strict guidelines in the selection and screening the people who will help him run the government so that those with hidden selfish agenda will not be able to creep into power and hold public office. But most importantly, he should already pick Mar Roxas as his running mate. This is apparently the tandem on whom people pin much of their hope.

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