Be a teacher not a nurse if you want to work abroad

BE A TEACHER. A Filipino teacher working in the United States has this advice to college students who want to work and live in the USA: Be a teacher. He said that the US has a huge demand for Filipino teachers, especially those majoring in Math, Science and Special Education. He said, “Don’t take up Nursing. Mahal kaayo ang tuition, dugay pa kaayo maka abroad. Be a teacher instead. Mas dali maka abroad. Dako pa’g suweldo.”

TOO MANY NURSES. This Filipino teacher in the US said that with the retrogression in the US for nurses, it resulted in too many nurses in the country. He said he has a daughter who is a registered nurse who has been waiting for her US immigrant visa for six years now. He said, “Ako nga teacher nauna pa ko’g larga kay sa akong anak nga nurse. Naghuwat na siya’g 6 years. Ako in 9 months, naka larga na.”

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