Spring time in Japan

The temperature is not as low as in winter. However, coming in from the Philippines that will enter the hot summer months soon, it still feels like winter here for us! We are still wearing our winter coats and clothes, scarf, gloves and all. Never mind if there are those who think we are strange, that we appear different. Their stare is more bearable than freezing in the 11-degree centigrade temperature!

Otherwise, it is thrilling to see the flowers about to bloom. We feel very fortunate to have arrived just before the famous sakura or cherry blossoms have opened. The Japanese even spend time to view the flowers and revel in their refreshing loveliness. They schedule hanami (flower viewing) outings, sit under cherry trees in full bloom, and eat and drink as they enjoy the company of their friends and family.

Spring is a season worth celebrating. Spring brings the fresh winds that blow away the freezing coldness of winter. Spring brings in the sunshine that allows flowers, not only the cherry blossoms, to start revealing their loveliness and beauty to everyone!

Spring is also welcomed because it provides the needed break from school and work. Even if the short respite is only for some weeks, the spring break brings the much-needed time to rest, to be with the family, and to stop worrying about school and work.

Spring breaks the routine of the past. It ends the months of winter. It ushers in a new season literally and symbolically for everyone. It brings back the colors and warmth that were absent during cold, snowy white winter. It is a transition between the very cold winter and the very hot summer.

Spring is associated with youth and growth, with freshness and new beginnings. There seems to be more people out in the park, more children actively running about.

Spring also heralds the arrival of new scholars from various parts of the world to Japan. A number of those from the Visayas and other parts of the Philippines will soon be here to proceed to their various assigned universities throughout Japan. We welcome them warmly even if we ourselves have just arrived days ahead of them.

And in the church, the day after our arrival, new and returning members were warmly welcomed and those about to leave Japan sadly sent off with prayers and love. A breakfast party awaited those scheduled to leave like Fr. Martinus from Indonesia who will move to Yamagata from Tsukuba and our good friend from Davao, Joey Ibarra who will move to New Zealand from Japan.

Embarking on new beginnings, it is spring time in their lives now as well for Joey (and his wife Ning and their children JL and Jigs) and for Fr. Martinus.

It is also springtime for our family, now that the Lord has brought us back to this Land of the Rising Sun where cherry blossoms welcome all along the streets, at the parks, near riverbanks.

We thank and pray for those who sent us off with prayers for our safe, comfortable and protected journey to and stay in Japan.

May those of you who stay in the Land of Sunshine be blessed as well with spring time, new, refreshing beginnings throughout your lifetime!

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Email at cherryb_thefreeman@yahoo.com

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