Selfishness in a sea of moral opportunity

Because we no longer know what is good, we no longer know how to choose.

If we believe all the self-appointed experts and learned men in politics, they would have us think that no one is good enough to lead this country. If Jesus Christ were to return and run for President, politicians and media would come up with a list of reasons why he would not qualify.

He is not a natural born Filipino, He would be too religious and he should be excluded because of the doctrine of “Separation of Church and State”, he does not belong to a political party, he has never held public office, he is historically too old and if he was recently resurrected and is now 30 years of age, he would be too young and inexperienced. He did not graduate from La Salle, Ateneo, UP or any American university. Finally he would have to show his statement of assets and liabilities and explain how he funded the feeding of the 5,000 with salmon or halibut on rye. Finally he would have to declare that he has no affiliations with any foreign powers whether earthly or divine!

Sometimes I tend to agree with the people who suggest that we ought to permanently get rid of certain people in a certain age group under a certain occupation or profession.

Some people have suggested that Governor Ed Panlilio should run for President. Instantly priests, politicians, and biased individuals attacked the poor guy even before checking if it was Panlilio’s idea or someone else. Almost all those who attacked the idea did so because they had their own agenda, their own candidate, or their bias.

Very few sincerely opposed the idea because of love or concern for Fr. Panlilio, or because of a principled and logical understanding of the process. So, not only do we no longer know what is good, we also no longer know how to chose between the guilty and the innocent. Bias, Bias, Bias!

For a change, let’s consider what kind of choices are available or present themselves as leaders and saviors of the country.

Oldies but (no) goodies

A large majority of the elected officials in the country are over the mandatory retirement age. Not only are they qualified to live in homes for the elderly; they are the elderly with several families and several homes. They are great grandparents who have worked through several generations of politicians and public servants. They are people who raised themselves up instead of raising and mentoring the next generation of leaders. Unfortunately, their models are the geriatric members of communist politburos who were only discovered to be dead once they decomposed in office!


Do you wonder why some people are working so hard at pushing for a parliamentary form of government? A great number of the members of Congress come from a line of political dynasties. Not only do they have a true member of the OLD-NASTIES they have several generations of men and women who have no competency except to be in government.

They have lived in their virtual world of a political Walled City where they did not learn to make a decent living outside of government and where they failed to develop their skills beyond election sales talk. Chances are they would have great difficulty acting with integrity and fairness. They cheat in every election not out necessity, but simply because they’re Dyed-nasty.


The noisiest option nowadays are the Exceptme’s or the “no one is good enough — Except me”. They are the ones who raise moral questions but never admit walking into a hotel room with an assistant. They question the wealth of others but never explain the history of their financial success. They challenge the competency of others but are blind to being lap dogs of interest groups or dominant political force. They have blood in their hands or lies in their hearts, yet claim to be the champion of the poor.

They are worse than the Dyed-nasty because in the end the “Except me’s” only have their selfish interests and their glory in mind.


Onlyme’s or “Only me” are generic leaders earnestly hoping to change the world or at the very least lead this country into greatness. Some are good, some are great and the rest are so-so. The problem with the “Onlyme’s” is that they trust only themselves and believe only in themselves.

Short of being myopic and megalomaniacs, the “onlyme’s” are their own worst enemies. They want to lead but can’t follow; they want to rule but can’t obey. They want support but are blind to cooperation. In the end they end with “only-me” to blame.

Here’s a test we could all try taking:

When was the last time you helped someone you never knew with money you could have used to solve a problem that was not your concern and walked away without waiting to hear a “thank you”?

When was the last time you invested time, talent and wealth on someone else’s dream because you wanted to invest in others and not to feel good or be good?

When was the last time you stepped up and stepped out against the odds, against your own fears, or against the popular thing because you simply needed to do what was right and what was good?

Have you encouraged leaders or dismissed and discouraged them as mere dreamers? If you don’t care about others, why should others care for you?

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