EDITORIAL - God and Osmeña

Mayor Tomas Osmeña is expected to leave again today for the United States where he hopes to have his cancerous urinary bladder removed. He has our prayers for a speedy recovery, even if, knowing the man, he needs neither prayers nor sympathy from anybody.

Aside from praying for his health, we pray even more fervently that through this life-threatening ailment, Osmeña will finally see some things that he never saw nor cared to see before.

For instance, we pray that he may he gain some wisdom from the removal of his cancerous bladder and realize that if he does not own his body or any part of it or that he has not the ability to keep it under control, then neither does he own anything or anybody.

For the way Osmeña has been acting, it is as if he owned everybody and everything, that no one and nothing means anything unless he says so. Osmeña treats people and things as if they were expendable game pieces at his disposal.

They say God works in mysterious ways and we are pretty sure this ailment of Osmeña is the embodiment of God trying to communicate with him. But judging by his actions while on vacation here, it seems as if Osmeña never understood the language of God.

Well, Osmeña has his date with the knife in the United States. This time it will be a more forceful voice that God will use in trying to talk a little humility into the heart of this heartless mayor we have the great misfortune to call ours.

The way he reduced Vice Mayor Mike Rama to pieces in public is a classic example of how ruthless he is. There is not an inch in his heart where the slightest consideration for the feelings of others can gain a toehold.

But then again, God is the embodiment of hope, of salvation. Every Cebuano awaits His word which will be spoken in how Osmeña emerges from his date with the surgeon. If he emerges safe and returns just as he is, then maybe God has other plans for everyone.

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