A very special day

Last Valentine’s Day I received a card which I found quite unique not only because it is extraordinarily bigger than the usual greeting cards but because of the very peculiar message that confronted me in bold letters which says: “So what if today is Valentine’s Day, Is there anything special?—nothing” Immediately I thought that only my wife Josie could have sent it; and I felt guilty. Somehow I sensed that she was conveying her deep sentiment about how I have taken such occasion for granted each passing year since we tied the knot 46 years ago. But my sense of guilt turned into exhilaration and delight as I saw the rather charming message inside the card’s succeeding page which read: “coz we made everyday happier than this day”.

Since I met and got married to Josefina J. Sampedro more than 46 years ago every day really seems to be happier than Valentine’s day and gets to be more and more romantic and warmer especially as we approach the sunset of our lives. There is never a dull moment in our love life even if or may be precisely because all our children are no longer staying with us. Our eldest daughter Joyce has already been called by God to be with Him in eternal bliss and is now surely praying for all of us as we continue our journey into this world. Our sons Jopet, Joel, Jay, Jolly and Jaybee are now happily married and have their own families who gave us 14 grandsons and one granddaughter. Jopet and Cef have three boys, Jat, Jigo and Javi; Joel and Ruby also have three boys, Miko, Johannes and Sema; Jay and Mireille have six boys, Jeremy, Java, Jared, Jacsi, Jonah and Jaydan; Jolly and Jane have Jamie, the only granddaughter and Justin, while Jaybee and Susan have Joaqui. 

But for me today is still the most joyful, meaningful, and worth writing about than any other day. It calls for a special celebration because this is the day when Josie came into this world so many years ago. Today is her “ty-ninth” birthday (typical of any woman she does not want me to reveal her age). This is extra-special day for me because I have so much to be thankful for having found a worthy wife whose “value is far beyond pearls” and to whom I could certainly “entrust my heart”. To me, she is truly an “unfailing prize” who aptly fits the description of an ideal wife in Proverbs, 31; “Many are the women of proven worth, but you have excelled them all”.

Josie has really excelled in her role as wife and mother. She has played and continues to play a greater role in cementing our marital relationship with her strong and unwavering faith in God and in me despite my many shortcomings, faults and follies. She is the best argument against those who say that women are the weaker sex because in times of crises in our marriage and family life she appears to be stronger and more courageous. Many are the stormy events in our lives when she displayed more maturity, decisiveness and pragmatism.

She is an indomitable and dependable partner in the founding of our family especially at its incipient and still unstable stage. She played her role of housewife and mother to the hilt by giving up her own promising career just to take care of our growing children. She has devoted more quality time to our sons such that up to now, they still find her more approachable.

And so, what if today is the birthday of my wife is there anything special? Yes everything is special because she made me and our family more closely-knit, stronger and happier.     

Note: Books containing compilation of my articles on Labor Law and Criminal Law (Vols. I and II) are now available. Call Tel. 7249445.

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E-mail at: jcson@pldtdsl.net


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