Young man seen busy selling umbrellas to fiesta-goers

ENTERPRISING YOUTH. A young man and a companion (said to be his sister) were seen selling umbrellas in the vicinity of the Pilgrims Center at the Basilica del Sto. Niño. It was drizzling. The siblings were probably anticipating some rain during the Fiesta Señor activities. “The weather prognosis doesn’t look good,” the young man said smiling. “Mouwan man o kaha moinit magkinahanglan mo ining payong,” his sales talk went.

UKAY-UKAY JACKETS. A sales staff of an ukay-ukay store in the city told The Ear that the most salable item in their store these days are the jackets. Obviously because of the cold climate these days. She said: “Nahutdan mig jackets, mao sab ang ubang ukay-ukay stores. Dihay mga anak sa datu nga namalit tagurha, tagutlo matag usa nila.”

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