The travail over a farewell travel

What was a fitting appreciation for retiring from public service turned out a bitter pill for B/Gen. Eliseo dela Paz, with his wife from whose bag 105,000 Euros (P6.9 M) was seized by Moscow airport authorities on October 11 last. Dela Paz and 7 other retirable PNP “Euro Generals” – coined after the fiasco – were coming from the Interpol Assembly in St. Petersburg.

The almost P7 M wasn’t mere pocket money or petty cash by any language, that is, even if it be pro-rated among them at a whopping per diem of P47,166 each for the trip duration, says Senator Miriam Santiago.

Not Dela Paz himself, neither direct boss Lt. Gen. Jesus Verzosa, nor higher boss DILG Secretary Ronaldo Puno could explain the source/nature of funds which also heightened the mystery. It could not be just any “hulog gikan sa langit” or “luoy Diyos, hatud balay o bulsa”.

This irregularity is a repeat of another officer/comptroller, Gen. Carlos Garcia, from whose son had also been seized some $100T while travelling from the Philippines to the USA. The main difference lies in the much bigger amount involved in the Dela Paz caper, and in euros instead of dollars.

Until now, no satisfactory explanation has been given on the purpose of such enormous sum just hand-carried by Mrs. Dela Paz. Even in the initial Senate hearing that was snubbed by Gen. Dela Paz, the almost P7 M enigma wasn’t answered, say, by Secretary Puno, or by PNP director general Jesus Verzosa, which left feisty Lady Miriam in a fighting mood as to demand for the arrest of the absentee general.

What have been floated vary on the “what for”: Contingent funds, collective cash advance for the group, or intelligence fund to purchase intelligence equipment?

But then, the first as vaguely hinted by Dela Paz to media doesn’t hold water since it was too enormous for any travel contingency. The second conjecture doesn’t inspire belief as cash advances are granted to individuals, not amassed for the group and, again, the amount was too huge at P47,166 per diem each as pointed out by Senator Santiago. Besides, the other “Euro Generals” had already been granted each separate cash advance of P274 T or a total of P2.19 M which they returned or promised to return in full when the “euro mess” erupted, subject to final liquidation of actual expenses. Finally, the third doesn’t also cut credence because it runs counter to the law on procurement of supplies and materials requiring procedural bidding.

Pregnant as public perception is that the P7 M was for side-trip deposit somewhere in Europe, as some “payola” from “jueteng” or kickbacks on the side. Obviously the stash didn’t pass through airport scrutiny. Besides, isn’t it taboo for travelers abroad from carrying more than $10 T cash? Moreover, the new Central Bank law (R.A. 7653) penalizes that failure to declare the 105,000 Euros to Russia.

Bursting at the seams, the irascible Senator Santiago signed a draft report that the eight-man PNP panel to Russia guilty of graft and corruption, malversation of public funds, violation of the anti-laundering law, and banking laws. Senator Mar Roxas also urged prelim probe of the PNP chief and Secretary Puno for violation of travel restrictions.

Gen. Jesus Verzosa also ordered criminal and administrative charges against 3 other PNP officials, namely C/Supt. Orlando Pestaño, S/Supt Tomas Rentoy, and S/Supt. Samuel Rodriguez, for unauthorized release of P7 M from the PNP intelligence fund.

It’s still obscure as regards the role of the seven other “Euro Generals” on the messy deal, and/or whether or not they are privy to it. One of them is Gen. Silverio Alarcio Jr. who had erstwhile posting in Cebu, with quite commendable performance, in fairness to him… It’s also fair and proper to finish the Senate probe to those hankering to know the truth, and to do justice to the nation, and to the “Euro Generals” and their families who deserve a day in court.

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