Letter to the editor - Continue the search for justice for the desaparecidos

As we honor and remember our loved ones in the cemeteries this on All Souls Day, the families and friends of the disappeared has nowhere to go. Their loved ones who were abducted by government agents remains nowhere to be found.

While we fight and demand to the US-Arroyo government justice to the victims of enforced disappearances; together with the families and friends of the desaparecidos, we shall remember the disappeared through symbolic offering of flowers and candles.

This offering symbolizes our unwavering commitment to seek justice to the victims of state terrorism. The untiring hopes that propelled each and every heart of the families and friends to demand justice of the victims of enforced disappearances fuelled our steadfast dedication to advance the people’s rights in all dimensions.

The latest victims of enforced disappearances in Central Visayas this year are Flaviano Arante, a peasant leader in Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental and Calixto Alfante, an alleged member of the New People’s Army.

Flaviano Arante was abducted on January 25, 2008 in front of his wife and children. The soldiers of the 302nd Brig. under Lt. Col. Ceasar Yano brought him to Nagbinlod detachment. He was last seen by his son, Anie Arante at Nagbinlod detachment on January 28, 2008.

Calixto Alfante was abducted on June 11, 2008 at Brgy. Dobdob, Valencia, Negros Oriental. According to some witnesses, the elements of the 79th IB tied Calixto’s hands together in his back and used him as guide during military operations.

 From 2002 until June 2008, there are 186 reported cases of enforced disappearances, 61 of them are organized and 28 of them are women. Moreover, in Central Visayas alone, since Fr. Rudy Romano’s abduction in 1985, there have been 19 unresolved cases of enforced disappearances.

Thus, KARAPATAN-Central Visayas reiterate its call to the US-Arroyo government to surface the victims of enforced disappearances.

Vimarie Arcilla

Public Information Officer

KARAPATAN-Central Visayas

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