Fish lovers take advantage on low cost of fish

FISH SCARE. Many people are presently afraid to eat fish, fearing that the fish and other seafood sold in the market are contaminated due to the sinking of the Princess of the Stars. A housewife said she will not buy fish until all the bodies are found and the chemicals still onboard the Princess of the Stars will be retrieved. She said, “Bisan mo ingon pa sila nga safe kan-on ang isda, dili lang sa gyud ko mopalit. Lisud na. Likay lang usa ko.”

FISHY STORIES. Another housewife said she has heard many scary stories about finding fingers and body parts inside the fish or squid. She said one of the stories she heard was finding a severed thumb inside a cooked squid. She said, “Luod kaayo ning mga istorya. Bisan barato karon ang isda, dili ka ganahan mopalit.”

FISH LOVERS. But there are those who are taking advantage of the cheap price of fish and are not scared of the fishy stories. One father of four said, “Da, dili na maabot diri ang mga contaminated nga isda uy. Mas maayo hinuon nga naay ingon aning mga istorya kay barato ra ang palit nako sa isda.”

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